How to help children regulate their emotions quickly,
How to help them handle the answer ‘No’
What to do when your child melts down in public
The schedule of the day
What you will learn:
How to get them out the door on time,
The best way to handle dinners and night time routines,
Bedtime strategies.
Hitting and Biting
What you will learn:
The 3 skills needed for children to be kind,
How to teach these 3 skills at home,
How to respond to squabbles and fights (and how not to).
Parenting Styles
What you will learn:
How to parent on the same page with your spouse, (Discipline and responding to behaviour)
Mistakes parents make (unintentionally) due to their OWN Nature,
How to drop the Mum guilt and have some self-compassion,
Self-care ideas for each Natured parent.
What you will learn:
How to encourage listening and cooperation,
When to introduce consequences,
Which consequences to use for each stage,
How to stop yelling and using empty threats.
Screens and Devices
What you will learn:
The what, when and how to incorporate the use of devices at home.
The 4 Natures of Children
What you will learn:
What Nature your children are,
How to parent each Nature – what their highest needs are,
Common mistakes parents make for each Nature.
You will need to spend 30 - 45mins with Jessie on Zoom prior to the group calls starting, so she can ensure to cover the things you are struggling with over the duration of the course.
Total cost $600.00
Spaces are limited.
Start date September 12th 2022
For Parents with children over 5yrs please join the waitlistHERE